Saturday, April 28, 2007


I guess I will start with...

My name is Jason, I am married and have a one year old boy and another baby on the way. I am a college graduate with an associates degree in Computer and Information Science/IT/Networking and Security Management. I am currently trying to broaden my knowledge by studying the C++ programming language. I am trying to make myself valuable to my shithole city and get a better job. I have interests in a variety of things.....Computers and anything related to technology (obviously), Movies, Art, and other things that I don't feel the need to list here.

I have invited a friend of mine to post here with anything he might want as well. I will leave it up to him to give an introduction or not. You can find a link to his blog site here.

This blog is not on a regular schedule or anything I might not post here everyday, or maybe not even every month for that matter. So don't get your panties in a bunch just because I might not have updated in a while. Any criticism is allowed so feel free to leave your comments. I will delete any comments that might be considered offensive to others.

Thanks for visiting my crappy blog!


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